An integral part of the research mission of COAH and the JHU Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) is to identify the causes of and treatments for frailty, a syndrome characterized by reduced strength, energy, and activity. The Frailty and Multisystem Dysregulation Working Group meets twice monthly to engage in scientific discussion, project planning, manuscript development, and funding strategies related to frailty science. Headed by the leadership of the OAIC, a core group of researchers from multiple disciplines (including geriatrics, cardiology, biostatistics, epidemiology, endocrinology, infectious diseases, and mental health) at Johns Hopkins and beyond convenes regularly to envision, develop, and advance research on important questions on the etiology, measurement, and amelioration of frailty, its consequences and the translation of effective strategies into clinical practice. This working group serves as a significant engine for propelling frailty related projects, including a number of recently funded NIH grants. In addition, it provides organization to support the development of international leadership in the field of frailty.